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VIRTUAL AND LIVE Leadership public speaking

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Helping shape the future of leadership.

Through her speaking events, Dana shares her stories, insights, and experiences surrounding leadership and the future of the workplace. Through her signature method, Stop Settling, she challenges the idea that we need to sacrifice joy for productivity and value.

Dana is passionate about transforming lives through a unique approach to harmony vs balance. She focuses on trade-offs, facet integration, and embracing your strengths – not your blind spots. 



“In this wise book, Dana Look-Arimoto reframes work-life balance for the 21st century. She argues fora more well-rounded way of looking at career, family, friendships, community, and vitality using a deliberate and self-aware method of making the choices that are right for you. This book is a much-needed call for sanity and a real breath of fresh air for anyone who feeling overwhelmed. ”

- Daniel H. Pink

Author of When and Drive

“Dana Look-Arimoto is one of the most engaging speakers I have seen. She weaves in knowledge with emotion and humor to create engagement and thought provoking introspection.”

- Ashish Kaushal

CEO at HireTalent and Co-founder of Consciously Unbiased

“Redesign Your Busy Life," Great concept! We design our homes, we wear designer clothes and accessories. At work, we design custom solutions for our clients, We are often so busy designing our outer worlds, but how skilled are we at designing our inner worlds, Dana deftly gets you to pause and think about the decisions you make and how you can bier your life by design.”

- Nadia Bilchik

CNN Editorial Producer,

President Greater Impact Communication

“Wow! How refreshing it was to hear what I've been thinking for so long. is there really such a thing as work-life balance?" With my crazy, hectic life, Dana's frank approach to settling smart, -"accept who you are and decide consciously how you want to spend your time, instead of stressing over how you should be spending your time" was just what I needed to hear."

- Chip Conley

New York Times bestselling author of Emotional Equations,

Airbnb Head of Global Hospitality & Strategy 

“As Dana says in her book, this falls into a business meets self-help genre. While I read a lot of business books, I generally don't see a need for self-help books I thought I'd mad this anyway because I was intrigued by the idea of redefining work-life balance. I read the book in one sitting and was delighted that I did, Yes, it is self-help but very pertinent to the business world, and immensely helpful to me personally. ”

- Linda Sharikey

Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coach, Best Selling Author of Is Your Company Future Proof?

“What an amazing book! Dana blew the myth of work-life balance right out of the water, and then did a masterful job of explaining how to rethink and redesign your own work-life balance with Smart Settling, The following really resonated with me, "I love what I do in all aspects of my life, and my kids and my family get that, I do not see any evidence of them feeling less than as 1 am explicit about it. They know I am all in whenever 1 do anything. That thing I'm focused on gets all of me. And I wouldn't trade that!”

- Holly G. Green

CEO, The Human Factor, Inc. 

“Dana Look-Arimoto's passion for assisting people to find content-ment while engaging all aspects of their life is dear. Her book is just the first step in what I trust will become a powerful movement as more of us Settle Smart. As a C-level executive, I see every day how employees become disconnected and disengaged when they struggle with the conflicts between the demands of their family and business. Her strategies provide clear and actionable solutions that will enable you to stay engaged and be supported in all spheres by settling smarter. ”

- Kate Purmal

Author of The Moonshot Effect and Winner of Axiom Business Book Awards Gold Medal in Leadership

“Settling Smart is being aware of your choices from family to career, friendships, community, and well-being -just how do you want to settle and invest your time without feeling guilty The book is a quick, entertaining read with just three phases: a method, mindset, and movement -that is movement forward where you are thriving For me, I have yet to find the work-life balance so my focus has been on work-life integration that is healthy for me and my family.  ”

- Jacqueline M. Stavros

Author of Conversation Worth Having and Professor of Management,

Lawrence Technological University

“Want to create an energizing, successful life? Dana's amazing book gives you the 5 facets to rediscover the brilliant you. In a dear, insightful model, she helps you see where you may have unconsciously settled for less in your life and helps you create a Journey Map to unleash your power, Her vast experience combined with her passion for cutting through the derailers gives you the strategy, courage and tools to get off the hamster wheel and reclaim your life. Read and cherish it today! ”

- Dr. Vicki Halsey

VP Applied Learning, Ken Blanchard Companies

“Work-life balance? There is only one life, and face it, we are all constantly working! How to manage it all? That's the question that Dana answers in this marvelous book! It is a clear guide to a happier healthier and more productive life. ”

- Chester Elton

Global Leadership guru, and NYT Best-selling author of The Carrot Principle,

ALL In and The Best Team Wins

“In these frenetic times, 'work-life balance' seems increasingly out of reach. Dana's smart perspective will help you rethink your priorities and make informed choices about how you really want to live your life. ”

- Dorie Clark

Author of Entrepreneurial You and Stand Out, and adjunct professor, Duke University Fuqua School of Business.

“Dana is a guiding light. She has expertly served as a mirror to my transformation both personally and professionally. She consistently asks thought-provoking questions and challenges the status quo.  The sum of the two has resulted in tremendous personal development, as well as double-digit business growth year-over-year since we began working with one another. More importantly, I am a better human and my company is a stronger and more grounded organization because of her guidance, support, perspectives, skills, and capabilities. She is an invaluable extension of my team.”

- Megan McCann

McCann Partners CEO, ARA Co-Founder

"Dana delivered an outstanding presentation on mindset and burnout prevention at our event. Her authenticity, vibrant energy, and exceptional ability to connect with the audience were truly remarkable. The most valuable aspect of her talk was her capability to make everyone resonate with her message and openly share their vulnerabilities. Particularly inspiring was her journey from a Silicon Valley executive to establishing a successful coaching career, which resonated deeply with me and the audience. We wholeheartedly welcome Dana to return and continue empowering women with her story."

- Joy Sheppard

Founder, The Strongher Collective

Past events


StrongHER Conference

Keynote Speaker
TOPIC: The Mindset Workshop - Transforming Burnout to Harmony

Dana was the Keynote Speaker at the StrongHER Conference, speaking on the importance of mindset when building a plan for sustainable success, by incorporating time for joy without sacrificing productivity and/or value.



Live Speaker
Topic: MicroStep Your Way From Burnout to Harmony

At ETHDenver, Dana spoke about the trap of the burnout cycle, how to break out of it, and sustainable steps for long-lasting personal and professional success.


Women's Business Collective Executive Roundtable


During this webinar, Dana led a special panel discussion with Human Resource experts on investing in employees and independent contractors and reinventing human capital.


Watermark Workshop: Stop Settling, Settle Smarter


In this 3-part workshop series, Dana helped participants transform their lives to become work-life integrated. She shared tips, tricks, tools, and traps to avoid. During these sessions, Dana helped participants craft a new plan for life that includes work, family, wellbeing, and more – focusing on each individuals priorities and goals.


Bullhorn EngageX: Virtual Session

During this online staffing event, Dana spoke on the value of high-performing teams over the focus on top-performing individuals. Because team leadership requires more than simple top-down management, Dana shared strategies for both building and retaining strong teams: hiring for alignment, focusing on strengths, compensating for blindspots, and the value of authentic and transparent leaders.


Defining Your Priorities


Drawing upon decades of managing, mentoring, coaching and developing thousands of individuals and leadership teams, Dana Look-Arimoto contrasted the ways in which we think about our work vs our relationships. With insights, tools, tips, and stories this webinar revealed where participants were in their life, where they wanted to be, and how to avoid burnout while integrating and prioritizing the different areas of their life.

Silicon Valley, California 2018

Talent Tech Next

Topic: Next Generation Talent Innovation, Recruitment, and the shifting dynamic of the Talent War. 

New York, New York 2018

Tech Up for Women

During this event, Dana led a panel discussion of four extraordinary women – leaders, c-suite executives, and entrepreneurs who developed the confidence to survive, thrive, and advance themselves in the contentious world of tech. Dana and her panel exposed unconscious habits that betray self-doubt and imposter syndrome and showed attendees steps to asking and getting the leadership roles they deserve.

New York, New York 2018

Techserve Alliance

Through this session, participants explored Dana's Confidence360 program to address and prevent harassment both in and out of the office environment. Channeled through her Stop Settling methodology, Dana worked with participants to navigate the endless shades of gray, interpretations, mixed feelings, and reactions to these complex situations.

Past collaborations

Speaking inquiry